

Incentives: A Genealogy, Princeton University Press (under contract)

Peer Reviewed Articles and Book Chapters

Duineveld, M., Dix, G., Plets, G.-J. and Hüzeir, V. (2024). Climate Obstruction in the Netherlands: Strategic and Systemic Obstruction of Dutch Climate Policies (1980–Present) In Brulle, R.J., Roberts T. and Spencer M.C. (eds) Climate Obstruction Across Europe. Oxford: Oxford University. Open acces: Europe Volume – Brown Climate Social Science Network

Tijdink, J., Valkenburg, G., Rijcke, S. de, Dix, G. (2024). ‘Relational responsibilities: Researchers perspective on current and progressive assessment criteria: a focus group study’. PLOS ONE.

Valkenburg, G., Dix, G., Tijdink, J., and Rijcke, S. (2021) ‘Expanding Research Integrity: A Cultural-Practice Perspective’. Science and Engineering Ethics 27, 10

Dix, G. ‘Incentivization: From the current proliferation to the (re-)problematization of incentives’ (2020). Economy and Society 49(4): 642-663

Valkenburg, G., Dix, G., Tijdink, J. and de Rijcke, S. (2020) ‘Making researchers responsible: Attributions of responsibility and ambiguous notions of culture in research codes of conduct’. BMC Medical Ethics ().

Dix, G., Kaltenbrunner, W., Tijdink J., Valkenburg, G. and De Rijcke, S. (2020). ‘Algorithmic allocation: Untangling rival conceptions of fairness in research management’. Politics & Governance, 8(2), pp. 15-25

Dix, G. ‘Microeconomic forecasting: Constructing commensurable futures of educational reforms’. (2019). Social Studies of Science 49(2), pp. 180-207

Dix, G. (2015). ‘Op weg naar prestatiebeloning in het onderwijs. De vertaalslagen van economische kennis naar politiek beleid’. [Towards performance pay in education. The translations from economic knowledge to public policy] Sociologie 10(3-4), pp. 69–87

Dix. G. (2015). ‘Evolution of governance or genealogy of power?’ In R. Beunen, M. Duineveld. & K. van Assche (eds) Evolutionary Governance Theory: Theory and Applications. Berlin: Springer, pp. 205-212

Dix. G. (2015) ‘Ricardo’s discursive demarcations. A Foucauldian study of the formation of the economy as an object of knowledge’, Erasmus Journal of Philosophy and Economics, 7(2) (2015), pp. 1–29.

Dix, G. (2014). ‘Expressing concerns over the incentive as a public policy device’,in S. Geiger, D. Harrison, H. Kjellberg & A. Mallard (eds) Concerned Markets: Economic Ordering for Multiple Values. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 19–45

Duineveld, M. and G. Dix. (2011). ‘Power and discipline in transitions: Michel Foucault’, in S. Vellema (ed.) Transformation and sustainability in agriculture: Connecting practice with social theory, Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publishers, pp. 69–78 (with M. Duineveld)

Dix, G. (2010). ‘Interveniërende voorwaarden. Procedures en problemen op de markt voor re-integratiedienstverlening’ [Intervening preconditions. Problems and procedures on the market for welfare-to-work services], Beleid en Maatschappij, (3), pp. 246–258

Professional Articles and Book Chapters

‘Incentivizing Wisely’ review of Samuel Bowles (2016) The moral economy. Why good incentives are no substitute for good citizens. In European Journal of Sociology (2018.

‘A genealogy of the incentive’, in Economic Sociology European Electronic Newsletter 17(2), pp. 24–31.

‘Kunt u mij vertellen waar de beurs is?’ [Could you tell me where to find the stock exchange?], in H. Dijstelbloem, R. Hagendijk,  H. Harbers & P. Terreehorst (eds) (2013) Bestemming gewijzigd. Moderniteit en stedelijke transformaties, pp. 145–157(with P. Klaassen)

‘Economics: a science in crisis? Introduction’, Krisis. Tijdschrift voor actuele filosofie, 2010(3), pp. 2–5 (with P. Klaassen)

‘Procedures en problemen op de markt voor re-integratiedienstverlening’ [Problems and procedures on the market for welfare-to-work services], WRR-webpublicatie nr. 54 (2010).

‘Foucault en het (neo)liberalisme’ [Foucault and (neo)liberalism], Krisis. Tijdschrift voor actuele filosofie, 9:1 (2009), pp. 100–103

‘Hegel en het tekort van de Duitse sociologie’ [Hegel and the shortcomings of German sociology], Krisis. Tijdschrift voor actuele filosofie, 7:4 (2006), pp. 59–65

Popular Publications

‘Prikkel kan ook een averechts effect hebben’ [Incentives can also have counterproductive effects], Het Parool, 3 mei 2014, 35

‘Hoeveel ‘plofstudenten’ moeten we nog willen?’ [How many students do we want?], NRC, 3 September 2012, 14–15 (with P. Klaassen, B. de Vries, E. Overman, M. Majoor, G. Moerman, J. de Vent Escalente, M. Cabri & H. Verlijsdonk)